Friday, May 9, 2008

When you’re sliding in to First and your pants begin to burst, etc.

You know what sucks about being new to Africa? Diarrhea. It stalks me like so-much tasty prey. I spent five days in Kampala last week and never saw the outside of the hotel, except for a trip to the doctor’s office. I wish I could write that I never left my hotel room because I was getting to know a buff, mysterious stranger, but we all know that’s not the case.

I can’t describe to you the terror of eating uncooked fruits or vegetables (which, by the way, aren’t that abundant apart from mangoes and cabbage – and I’m not counting the million types of tubers around. Oh, there’re also tomatoes, but I hate tomatoes and no amount of hunger is going to change that). But you know what? Sometimes a girl just needs more than cassava and greasy pork. I’m a bit of a princess that way.

In other gastrointestinal news, on Tuesday morning I woke up bright and early and felt completely fine. I went to work, opened up my computer, began checking my email, and then promptly vomited for no apparent reason. This is my life. I never know which end is going to explode.

I look forward to having my immune system kick-in. Any day now, immunity!


Alisma said...

That looks greasily delicious! Did you vomit on your computer?

Alisma said...

P.S. Embrace the tomato!